King James Version (KJV) - Bible (KJV) NT 08: 2 Corinthians
King James Version (KJV)
The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, often referred to as Second Corinthians (and written as 2 Corinthians), is the eighth book of the New Testament. The letter, originally written in Koine Greek, is from Paul of Tarsus (and Timothy) to the Christians of Corinth, Greece.Paul defends his authority as an apostle. He also states the importance of forgiving others, and God’s new agreement that comes from the Spirit of the living God (2 Cor. 3:3), and the importance of being a person of Christ and giving generously to God’s people in Jerusalem, and ends with his own experience of how God changed his life. (Summary modified from Wikipedia)
Series Bible (King James Version)
Bible (KJV) 00: Introduction
Bible (KJV) 00: Preface
Bible (KJV) 01-03: Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus
Bible (KJV) 04: Numbers
Bible (KJV) 05: Deuteronomy
Bible (KJV) 06: Joshua
Bible (KJV) 07: Judges
Bible (KJV) 08: Ruth
Bible (KJV) 08: Ruth (version 2 Dramatic Reading)
Bible (KJV) 09: 1 Samuel
Bible (KJV) 10: 2 Samuel
Bible (KJV) 11: 1 Kings
Bible (KJV) 12: 2 Kings
Bible (KJV) 13: 1 Chronicles
Bible (KJV) 14: 2 Chronicles
Bible (KJV) 14: 2 Chronicles (Version 2)
Bible (KJV) 15: Ezra
Bible (KJV) 16: Nehemiah
Bible (KJV) 17: Esther (version 2 Dramatic Reading)
Bible (KJV) 18: Job (Dramatic Reading)
Bible (KJV) 18: Job (version 2)
Bible (KJV) 18: Job (version 3)
Bible (KJV) 19: Psalms
Bible (KJV) 19: Psalms (version 2)
Bible (KJV) 20: Proverbs
Bible (KJV) 21: Ecclesiastes
Bible (KJV) 22: Song of Solomon
Bible (KJV) 23: Isaiah
Bible (KJV) 24: Jeremiah
Bible (KJV) 25: Lamentations
Bible (KJV) 26: Ezekiel
Bible (KJV) 27: Daniel
Bible (KJV) 28-39: Minor Prophets (Hosea through Malachi)
Bible (KJV) 29: Joel
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Additions to Daniel
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Prayer of Manasses
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Book of Tobit
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Prayer of Manasseh
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Wisdom of Solomon
Bible (KJV) NT 01: Matthew
Bible (KJV) NT 02: Mark
Bible (KJV) NT 04: John
Bible (KJV) NT 05: Acts
Bible (KJV) NT 05: Acts (version 2)
Bible (KJV) NT 06: Romans
Bible (KJV) NT 06: Romans (Version 2)
Bible (KJV) NT 07: 1 Corinthians
Bible (KJV) NT 08: 2 Corinthians
Bible (KJV) NT 09-12: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
Bible (KJV) NT 09: Galatians
Bible (KJV) NT 10: Ephesians
Bible (KJV) NT 11: Phillippians
Bible (KJV) NT 13: 1 Thessalonians
Bible (KJV) NT 14: 2 Thessalonians
Bible (KJV) NT 15: 1 Timothy
Bible (KJV) NT 16: 2 Timothy
Bible (KJV) NT 17: Titus
Bible (KJV) NT 18: Philemon
Bible (KJV) NT 19: Hebrews
Bible (KJV) NT 21-22: 1,2 Peter
Bible (KJV) NT 23-25: 1, 2, & 3 John
Bible (KJV) NT 23: 1 John
Bible (KJV) NT 27: Revelation
Bible (KJV), Complete
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