King James Version (KJV) - Bible (KJV) 14: 2 Chronicles (Version 2)
King James Version (KJV)
Probably written by the prophet Ezra, 2 Chronicles covers the period from the beginning of King Solomon's reign to the conclusion of the Babylonian exile. Like 1 Chronicles, it focuses on the correct way to worship God. (Introduction by Joy Chan)
King James Version
King James Version (KJV)
Bible (KJV) 14: 2 Chronicles (Version 2)
Series Bible (King James Version)
Bible (KJV) 00: Introduction
Bible (KJV) 00: Preface
Bible (KJV) 01-03: Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus
Bible (KJV) 04: Numbers
Bible (KJV) 05: Deuteronomy
Bible (KJV) 06: Joshua
Bible (KJV) 07: Judges
Bible (KJV) 08: Ruth
Bible (KJV) 08: Ruth (version 2 Dramatic Reading)
Bible (KJV) 09: 1 Samuel
Bible (KJV) 10: 2 Samuel
Bible (KJV) 11: 1 Kings
Bible (KJV) 12: 2 Kings
Bible (KJV) 13: 1 Chronicles
Bible (KJV) 14: 2 Chronicles
Bible (KJV) 14: 2 Chronicles (Version 2)
Bible (KJV) 15: Ezra
Bible (KJV) 16: Nehemiah
Bible (KJV) 17: Esther (version 2 Dramatic Reading)
Bible (KJV) 18: Job (Dramatic Reading)
Bible (KJV) 18: Job (version 2)
Bible (KJV) 18: Job (version 3)
Bible (KJV) 19: Psalms
Bible (KJV) 19: Psalms (version 2)
Bible (KJV) 20: Proverbs
Bible (KJV) 21: Ecclesiastes
Bible (KJV) 22: Song of Solomon
Bible (KJV) 23: Isaiah
Bible (KJV) 24: Jeremiah
Bible (KJV) 25: Lamentations
Bible (KJV) 26: Ezekiel
Bible (KJV) 27: Daniel
Bible (KJV) 28-39: Minor Prophets (Hosea through Malachi)
Bible (KJV) 29: Joel
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Additions to Daniel
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Prayer of Manasses
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Book of Tobit
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Prayer of Manasseh
Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Wisdom of Solomon
Bible (KJV) NT 01: Matthew
Bible (KJV) NT 02: Mark
Bible (KJV) NT 04: John
Bible (KJV) NT 05: Acts
Bible (KJV) NT 05: Acts (version 2)
Bible (KJV) NT 06: Romans
Bible (KJV) NT 06: Romans (Version 2)
Bible (KJV) NT 07: 1 Corinthians
Bible (KJV) NT 08: 2 Corinthians
Bible (KJV) NT 09-12: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
Bible (KJV) NT 09: Galatians
Bible (KJV) NT 10: Ephesians
Bible (KJV) NT 11: Phillippians
Bible (KJV) NT 13: 1 Thessalonians
Bible (KJV) NT 14: 2 Thessalonians
Bible (KJV) NT 15: 1 Timothy
Bible (KJV) NT 16: 2 Timothy
Bible (KJV) NT 17: Titus
Bible (KJV) NT 18: Philemon
Bible (KJV) NT 19: Hebrews
Bible (KJV) NT 21-22: 1,2 Peter
Bible (KJV) NT 23-25: 1, 2, & 3 John
Bible (KJV) NT 23: 1 John
Bible (KJV) NT 27: Revelation
Bible (KJV), Complete
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