LM Montgomery, in this final installment of the Anne of Green Gables books, takes us through the terror, the suspense and the sacrifices of ‘The Great War’ as told through the eyes of Rilla. Of course, as in any girl’s diary, there are also chronicled the romances of Miranda, Gertrude, Mary and Rilla herself. At the same time, the small details of everyday life lighten the drama with humorous stories of the antics of the Ingleside cat, the putting on of a wedding with one day’s notice and ‘that prayer meeting’ which will forever go down in the local lore of little Glen St Mary! — Summary by Beth Thomas
Narrated by Esther ben Simonides
Rilla Blythe: Rachel
Susan Baker: Beth Thomas
Mrs. Anne Blythe: Adele de Pignerolles
Dr. Gilbert Blythe: Peter Yearsley
Miss Gertrude Oliver: Kristin Gjerløw
Walter Blythe: Michael Landu
Jem Blythe: Mike Harris
Cousin Sophia: Sonia
Mary Vance: Jennifer Fournier
Kenneth Ford: Dillon McFarlane
Mr. John Meredith/Mr. Norman Douglas: John Burlinson
Irene Howard: Anna Vince
Other characters voiced by: Etel Buss, Mark Chulsky, Michele Eaton, Kathrine Engan, Gaby, Rupert Holliday, Lydia, Diana Majlinger, MaryAnn, Hannah Mary, David Lawrence, Tomas Peter, David Purdy, Roohi, Saffie, Shakira Searle, K. Adrian Stroet, SuperCoconut, Maggie Travers, Twinkle, and Leanne Yau
Audio edited by Rachel
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