970 books
Humorous Fiction
G. K. Chesterton - Wit and Wisdom of Chesterton
This little volume, issued as a gift book for lovers of Mr. Chesterton's writings in 1911, is made up from essays to be found in «The Defandant», «Varied Types» and «Tremendous Trifles». These 12 pieces were chosen to...
2 hours 10 minutes
Charles Darwin - Formation of Vegetable Moulds through the Action of Worms with Observations on their Habits
Charles Darwin LL.B F.R.S was the discoverer of evolution and argued the role of «natural selection» in directing the evolution of species. Darwin also had an interest in the formation of soils (moulds) that began...
6 hours 38 minutes
Henry David Thoreau - On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (Version 2)
ivil Disobedience (Resistance to Civil Government) is an essay by American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau that was first published in 1849. In it, Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments...
1 hour 2 minutes