970 books
Herbert Francis Peyser - Hector Berlioz; A Romantic Tragedy
How much more futile is it to attempt on the minuscule scale of the following tiny, if rambling, pamphlet to touch upon even a thousandth of those achievements and unremitting conflicts which entered into the texture...
1 hour 26 minutes
D. B. Casteel - Behavior of the Honey Bee in Pollen Collecting
The value of the honey bee in cross pollinating the flowers of fruit trees makes it desirable that exact information be available concerning the actions of the bee when gathering and manipulating the pollen. The...
1 hour 25 minutes
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw - Narrative of the Most Remarkable Particulars in the Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, also known as James Albert, (born ca. 1705 — 1775) was a freed slave and autobiographer. His autobiography is considered the first published by an African in Britain. Gronniosaw's autobiography...
1 hour 21 minutes