970 books
Family Life
William Ruschenberger - Elements of Mammalogy
The Elements of Mammalogy is one of seven in a Series of First Books of Natural History Prepared for the Use of Schools and Colleges. This succinct little textbook from 1845 presents an introduction to mammalogy. The...
5 hours 53 minutes
Eben Eugene Rexford - ABC of Vegetable Gardening
This how-to book includes chapters on getting ready, mapping the garden, planting, seeds, early work, house plants, fruits, hot beds and cold frames, and small gardens. There is even a chapter «expressly for women.» —...
2 hours 8 minutes
Francis Bond Head - Rough Notes Taken During Some Rapid Journeys Across the Pampas and Among the Andes
“Galloped on with no stopping, but merely to change horses until five o’clock in the evening—very tired indeed, but... saw fresh horses in the corral, and resolved to push on. At half-past seven, after having...
7 hours 55 minutes
Anonymous - Criminal Manchester: Experiences of a Special Correspondent
Follow the Manchester Evening News 'special correspondent' and his guide — recently back from a 'seven stretch' — as they take you on a tour through the dimly lit quarters of late 19th-century criminal Manchester.-...
2 hours 7 minutes