12 books
Robert Mueller - Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election
The report from Robert Mueller's team reporting the results of investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. This report was released on April 18, 2019. The recording is of the...
18 hours 38 minutes
United States Supreme Court - Supreme Cases from 1803-2018
These cases involved questions that came before the Supreme Court that needed answers. The questions in order of appearance in this project are as follows. Does Congress have the power to pass laws that override the...
13 hours 11 minutes
Health & Fitness
Thomas Southwood Smith - Use Of The Dead To The Living
In 1827 Thomas Southwood-Smith published The Use of the Dead to the Living, a pamphlet which argued that the current system of burial in the United Kingdom was a wasteful use of bodies that could otherwise be used for...
2 hours 2 minutes
War & Military
Justin McCarthy - History of Our Own Times From the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880, Volume I
An engaging history of Great Britain in the heyday of Queen Victoria and of her empire by the liberal Irish Member of Parliament, Justin McCarthy. He brings us the larger than life personalities of the day, Victoria...
12 hours 28 minutes
War & Military
William Holden Hutton - King and Baronage (A.D. 1135-1327)
William Holden Hutton (1860-1930) was a British historian and Dean of Winchester Cathedral. In this slim volume, Hutton writes of the long period of feudal anarchy following the death of King Henry I in 1135, during...
3 hours 58 minutes
Robert G. Ingersoll - Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume 10 - Legal
For those who like courtroom drama, here are Ingersoll’s Opening and Closing arguments on the most famous trials of his career--the Star Route Trials which stretched over 2 years, revealing high government...
24 hours 36 minutes
War & Military
John Arthur Ransome Marriott - England Since Waterloo
«England Since Waterloo» by Sir John Arthur Ransome Marriott (1859-1945) was first published in 1913 and went through many editions. The author taught history at Worcester College, Oxford for thirty-six years and...
25 hours 14 minutes