Enoch, born in the 7th generation from Adam, was the grandfather of Noah. Enoch prophesied concerning the judgments on mankind (Jude 14-15 & Enoch 1:9). Enoch says his prophetic words were not for his generation but for a “generation of elect and righteous people far in the future that would be living in the day of tribulation when all the wicked and godless are to be removed.” (Enoch 1:1). He compiled his visions and prophecies into a book of parables and passed the secrets on to Noah (The book of Enoch 68:1).
Among the secrets passed down, Enoch gives a more detailed accounting of the relationship between the fallen angels (watchers) and the daughters of men in Genesis 6:2-4. He reveals the secrets of the luminaries and the weather and concludes with a prophesy concerning the condition of man and purging of the evil on earth. — Summary by CJ Plogue
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