Series "Astounding Stories Magazines Issues 1-20"
20 books
Science Fiction
Arthur J. Burks - Astounding Stories 08, August 1930
Issue eight of this seminal science-fiction magazine CONTENTS Murder Madness by Murray Leinster — the conclusion of this novel Earth the Maurader by Arthur J. Burks — Part 2 of a 3 Part novel as well as short...
8 hours 23 minutes
Science Fiction
Arthur J. Burks - Astounding Stories 18, June 1931
This issue contains The Man from 2072 by Sewell Peaslee Wright ~ Out of the Flow of Time there appears to Commander John Hanson a Man of Mystery from a Forgotten Past Manape the Mighty by Arthur J. Burks~ High in...
8 hours 12 minutes
Science Fiction
Hugh B. Cave - Astounding Stories 02, February 1930
This is the second issue of the classic science fiction Astounding Magazine. It contains the finale of The Beetle Horde by Victor Rousseau, as well as stories by Harl Vincent, Charles Willard Diffin, Hugh B. Cave,...
7 hours 55 minutes
Science Fiction
Miles J. Breuer - Astounding Stories 09, September 1930
This is a collection of short science fiction stories by various writers, circa 1930. Writers include Paul Ernst, Miles Breuer, Ray Cummings, Sewell Wright, and others. Harry Bates, Editor (Summary by BellonaTimes)
8 hours 21 minutes
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 01, January 1930
In January of 1930 a new magazine with a flashy color cover appeared on newsstands, Astounding Stories of Super-Science. Filled with stories of adventure, sometimes with only a tinge of science, this magazine was to...
8 hours 10 minutes
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 06, June 1930
Issue six of this seminal science-fiction magazine concludes the Ray Cummings story «Brigands of the Moon», and continues Murray Leinster's «Murder Madness». In addition there are three short stories, by various...
8 hours 28 minutes
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 11, November 1930
This science-fiction mag includes «The Wall of Death» by Victor Rousseau, «The Pirate Planet» by Charles W. Diffin, «The Destroyer» by William Merriam Rouse, «The Gray Plague» by L. A. Eshbach, «Jetta of the Lowlands»...
7 hours 58 minutes
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 15, March 1931
This issue includes «When the Mountain Came to Miramar» by Charles W. Diffin, «Beyond the Vanishing Point» by Ray Cummings, «Terrors Unseen» by Harl Vincent, the conclusion of «Phalanxes of Atlans» by F. V. W. Mason,...
8 hours 58 minutes
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 16, April 1931
Contents of this issue :- MONSTERS OF MARS EDMOND HAMILTON — Three Martian-Duped Earth-Men Swing Open the Gates of Space That for So Long Had Barred the Greedy Hordes of the Red Planet. (A Complete Novelette.)...
8 hours 53 minutes
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 17, May 1931
This issue of the science-fiction magazine includes a novella by Charles W. Diffin titled «Dark Moon» and several short stories, including «When Caverns Yawned», by Captain S.P. Meek «When the Moon Turned Green», by...
8 hours 11 minutes