31 books
General Fiction
Lucy Maud Montgomery - Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903
Lucy Maud Montgomery was born at Clifton (now New London), Prince Edward Island, Canada, on November 30, 1874. She achieved international fame in her lifetime, putting Prince Edward Island and Canada on the world...
7 hours 15 minutes
Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe - Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52
Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe moved to California from Massachusetts during the Gold Rush of the mid-1800’s. During her travels, Louise was offered the opportunity to write for The Herald about her travel...
6 hours 8 minutes
Anonymous - Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery
This book, a reprint of a successful English publication, has been so enlarged as to be to all intents and purposes new. It has been carefully revised by a Reverend gentleman, who for some time filled the chair of...
7 hours 18 minutes
Charles Austin Beard - History of the United States, Vol. I
Charles Austin Beard was the most influential American historian of the early 20th century. He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science. He graduated...
2 hours 44 minutes
Animals & Nature
Rudyard Kipling - Just So Stories (version 3)
These whimsical short stories offer fanciful answers to a dozen of childhood's favorite «why» and «how» questions. With their generous sprinkling of nonsense words as well as a delightfully rhythmic storytelling...
3 hours 14 minutes
Emily Post - Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home
From advice on planning the perfect wedding to eating an artichoke correctly, Emily Post offers instruction on how to live a well-mannered life circa 1922. With a sometimes gentle, sometimes sharp wit, she maintains...
21 hours 41 minutes