162 books
Jules Verne - Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 1
The famous writer of great adventure stories Jules Verne wrote also several lesser known, but good non-fiction works. «Celebrated travels and travellers» tells the story of geographical discovery in the same well...
18 hours 23 minutes
Charles Dickens - Charles Dickens 200th Anniversary Collection Vol. 4
2012 was the 200th anniversary of Dickens' birth. This is the fourth volume; the first volume of short works — fiction, essays, poetry and speeches, previously unrecorded for LibriVox, was catalogued by Dickens'...
7 hours 25 minutes
Thomas Stevens - Around the World on a Bicycle, Vol. 2
Thomas Stevens was the first person to circle the globe by bicycle, a large-wheeled Ordinary. His journey started in April 1884 in San Francisco from where he cycled to Boston to take a steamer to England. Crossing...
19 hours 52 minutes