Timothy Ferguson
40 books
War & Military
Henry Richard Fox Bourne - Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol 2
Lord Cochrane was a Napoleonic-era sea captain, whose adventures were the source material for many popular series of naval fiction. He started to write a biography but passed away after completing only two volumes....
8 hours 32 minutes
Hans Gross - Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3
Reputedly inspired by the Sherlock Holmes stories, Austrian criminal jurist and examining magistrate Hans Gross wrote the first handbook on criminal investigation. This treatise covers everything from the qualities of...
12 hours 33 minutes
War & Military
Lord Thomas Cochrane - Autobiography of a Seaman, Vol. 2
This second volume of the biography of Lord Cochrane deals with his fall from grace, imprisonment for debt, loss of honours, and attempts to clear his name. It has had a marked influence on naval fiction, most...
13 hours 52 minutes