18 books
Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England
This traditional, and, for the most part, unprinted literature,—cherished in remote villages, resisting everywhere the invasion of modern namby-pamby verse and jaunty melody, and possessing, in an historical point of...
8 hours 50 minutes
Single author
Robert Frost - New Hampshire - A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes
New Hampshire is a volume of poems written by Robert Frost, for which he received the Pulitzer Prize. The titular poem is the longest, and it has cross-references to 14 of the following poems. These are the «Notes»...
2 hours 25 minutes
Gustave Le Bon - Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on Their Evolution
«It is barely a century and a half ago that certain philosophers, who, it should be remarked, were very ignorant of the primitive history of man, of the variations of his mental constitution and of the laws of...
5 hours 6 minutes
Gustave Le Bon - Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
«Civilisations as yet have only been created and directed by a small intellectual aristocracy, never by crowds. Crowds are only powerful for destruction. Their rule is always tantamount to a barbarian phase. A...
5 hours 52 minutes
Cotton Mather - Wonders of the Invisible World, and A Farther Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches
Here are first hand accounts, published in 1692, of the infamous «Salem Witch Trials». In addition to Mather's interpretation of the Book of Revelations (which he calls «God's last letter to the people of earth»),...
9 hours 1 minute
Animals & Nature
Ella Rodman Church - Among the Trees at Elmridge
«On that bright spring afternoon when three happy, interested children went off to the woods with their governess to take their first lesson in the study of wild flowers, they saw also some other things which made a...
6 hours 39 minutes