Bill Boerst
85 books
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 17, May 1931
This issue of the science-fiction magazine includes a novella by Charles W. Diffin titled «Dark Moon» and several short stories, including «When Caverns Yawned», by Captain S.P. Meek «When the Moon Turned Green», by...
8 hours 11 minutes
Science Fiction
Ray Cummings - Astounding Stories 11, November 1930
This science-fiction mag includes «The Wall of Death» by Victor Rousseau, «The Pirate Planet» by Charles W. Diffin, «The Destroyer» by William Merriam Rouse, «The Gray Plague» by L. A. Eshbach, «Jetta of the Lowlands»...
7 hours 58 minutes
Eben Eugene Rexford - ABC of Vegetable Gardening
This how-to book includes chapters on getting ready, mapping the garden, planting, seeds, early work, house plants, fruits, hot beds and cold frames, and small gardens. There is even a chapter «expressly for women.» —...
2 hours 8 minutes
St. George William Joseph Stock - Guide to Stoicism
This book is a primer on the philosophy of stoicism, resurrected from its origins in Greek and Roman philosophy. The original philosophy was based on a reasoning process which it was assumed would lead to a virtuous...
1 hour 58 minutes