Herod Antipas: Mark Penfold
Iokanaan: Bruce Pirie
The Young Syrian: Kim Stich
Tigellinus: Matthew Reece
A Cappadocian: Tim Ferreira
A Nubian: D MoNeY
First Soldier: Skythrock
Second Soldier: Joshua Logan
The Page of Herodias: om123
Herodias: Sweetlilbirdy
Salome: Arielle Lipshaw
A Slave: Ana
First Jew: Frank Booker
Second Jew/Fourth Jew/Sadducee: Elizabeth Klett
Third Jew/First Nazarene: Denny Sayers
Fifth Jew: David Lawrence
Second Nazarene: Algy Pug
A Pharisee: mb
Narrator: Tricia G
Audio edited by: Arielle Lipshaw
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