120 books
L. L. Langstroth - Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-Bee: A Bee Keeper's Manual
Langstroth revolutionized the beekeeping industry by using bee space in his top opened hive. In the summer of 1851 he found that, by leaving an even, approximately bee-sized space between the top of the frames...
15 hours 14 minutes
Arthur Schopenhauer - Art of Controversy (or: The Art of Being Right)
The Art of Controversy (or The Art of Being Right ) ( Die Kunst, Recht zu Behalten ) is a short treatise written in 1831 by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in which he presents thirty-eight methods of...
3 hours 13 minutes
A. Alpheus - Complete Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism
Written in 1903, just sixty years after the word 'hypnotism' was coined, this book explores the contemporary understanding of the nature, uses and dangers of the technique. Hypnotism has been practiced for many...
3 hours 48 minutes
Andrew Murray - With Christ in the School of Prayer
It is under a deep impression that the place and power of prayer in the Christian life is too little understood, that this book has been written. I feel sure that as long as we look on prayer chiefly as the means of...
7 hours 40 minutes