Humorous Fiction
339 books
Humorous Fiction
Thomas Lansing Masson - Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Vol 1
Volume 1 of a ten volume collection of amusing tales, observations and anecdotes by America's greatest wordsmiths. This work includes selections by such household favorites as Mark Twain, Oliver Wendell Holmes,...
4 hours 38 minutes
Humorous Fiction
Henri Murger - Bohemians of the Latin Quarter
As much as any other work of literature, Henri Murger’s 1851 collection of witty sketches Scènes de la vie de bohème shaped the later romanticized image of the bohemian artist: independent, insouciant, exuberantly...
9 hours 59 minutes
Humorous Fiction
F. Anstey - Mr. Punch's Model Music-hall Songs & Dramas
F. Anstey was the nom de plume of Thomas Anstey Guthrie, a Londoner who was trained for the bar but found success as a writer of humorous pieces for Punch and humorous novels. Mr. Punch's Model Music Hall is a...
4 hours 21 minutes