Series "Bible (King James Version)"
20 books
King James Version (KJV) - Bible (KJV) 19: Psalms
The Book of Psalms, commonly referred to simply as Psalms, is a book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible. Taken together, its 150 poems «express virtually the full range of Israel's religious faith.» They each...
5 hours 17 minutes
King James Version (KJV) - Bible (KJV) 28-39: Minor Prophets (Hosea through Malachi)
A minor prophet is one of the writings in the Twelve Prophets section of the Hebrew Bible, also known to Christians as the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. In the Hebrew Bible the writings of the minor prophets...
3 hours 13 minutes
King James Version (KJV) - Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Wisdom of Solomon
In the Orthodox Church, during the Great Vespers of celebrated Saints, such as Saint Nicholas the Wonder-worker and the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia, selected passages are read from The Wisdom of Solomon, from the...
1 hour 17 minutes