33 books
War & Military
Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy - Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World
This work is Edward Creasy's best known fundamental work of history. It describes in detail 15 battles of world history, beginning with the Battle of Marathon of 490 BC and ending with the Battle of Waterloo of 1815....
19 hours 25 minutes
Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade - Our Little Jewish Cousin
In whatever direction you may travel,—north, south, east, or west,—you will doubtless meet some of your little black-eyed Jewish cousins. They live among us here in America. They also dwell in the countries far away...
1 hour 19 minutes
John Locke - Essay Concerning Humane Understanding Book I
John Locke's essays on human understanding answers the question “What gives rise to ideas in our minds?”. In the first book Locke refutes the notion of innate ideas and argues against a number of propositions that...
17 hours 23 minutes