14 books
Family Life
George Gissing - Demos: A Story of English Socialism
«Richard Mutimer is delighted to inherit a large fortune. As a socialist, he means to use it well: he will open a factory in which workers would be treated well, he will advance his party's causes through his own...
20 hours 55 minutes
Laurence Oliphant - Piccadilly A Fragment of Contemporary Biography
Laurence Oliphant, author, international traveller, diplomatist and mystic, who spent a decade in later life under the influence of the spiritualist prophet Thomas Lake Harris, writes here under the amusing guise...
7 hours 54 minutes
Humorous Fiction
Chester K. Steele - Diamond Cross Mystery
Colonel Ashley is confronted with a difficult case: The proprietor of a jewelry shop is found murdered, and a valuable diamond cross is stolen. Whodunnit, and how can the Colonel's expertise in fishing help to solve...
6 hours 38 minutes