281 books
Health & Fitness
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Guide to Health
Mahatma Gandhi, known today as a fascinating political leader and pacifist, also considered himself «something of an authority on matters of Health and Disease as well. Very few of us perhaps are aware that he is the...
3 hours 27 minutes
Rainbow Gold: Poems Old and New Selected for Boys and Girls
This collection of poems, selected by Sara Teasdale, a talented poet in her own right, is made to appeal to children, both girls and boys. They are not poems about children, but for children. Neither does this mean...
3 hours 27 minutes
Animals & Nature
L. Frank Baum - Twinkle and Chubbins; Their Astonishing Adventures in Nature-Fairyland
Twinkle is a little girl who often finds herself caught up in fantastic adventures. Whether it be being put on trial by angry woodchucks, raising a hateful baby crow, visiting a town full of talking prairie dogs,...
3 hours 15 minutes
Kate Seymour MacLean - Coming of the Princess, and Other Poems
There is truth, doubtless, in the remark, that we are enriched less by what we have than by what we hope to have. As the poetic art in Canada has had little of an appreciable past, it may therefore be thought that the...
3 hours 14 minutes
Annie Fellows Johnston - Two Little Knights of Kentucky
In this volume the Little Colonel returns to us like an old friend, but with added grace and charm. She is not, however, the central figure of the story, that place being taken by the “two little knights,” Malcolm and...
3 hours 10 minutes