Cate Barratt
55 books
General Fiction
Jacob A. Riis - Neighbors - Life Stories of the Other Half
These stories have come to me from many sources—some from my own experience, others from settlement workers, still others from the records of organized charity, that are never dry, as some think, but alive with vital...
2 hours 58 minutes
Humorous Fiction
John Kendrick Bangs - Jack and the Check Book
Bangs is in top form in his version of this small collection of timeless fairy tales. If you don't immediately recognize Jack and the Check Book, Puss, the Promoter, and the Golden Fleece, don't worry, you soon will....
2 hours 55 minutes
Álvaro Velez Ladrón de Guevara - Wheels - A Third Cycle
A series of six volumes of Wheels anthologies was produced by members of the Sitwell family between 1916 and 1922. The third volume, published in 1918, contains poems by Aldous Huxley, Arnold James, Iris Tree, Sherard...
1 hour 59 minutes