305 books
Thomas Richard Allinson - Dr. Allinson's cookery book
This is a cookbook promoting vegetarian recipes. The author of the book, Dr. Thomas Allinson, had strong views about health issues — he promoted vegetarian cooking and wholegrain bread, among other things which are...
7 hours 39 minutes
Charles William Burkett - Agriculture for Beginners
A textbook used by many public schools in the early 20th century. The authors believe that «agriculture is eminently a teachable subject. They see no difference between teaching the child the fundamental principles of...
7 hours 21 minutes
Edward Spencer - Cakes & Ale, A Dissertation on Banquets Interspersed with Various Recipes, More or Less Original, and anecdotes, mainly veracious
A long time ago, an estimable lady fell at the feet of an habitual publisher, and prayed unto him:— “Give, oh! give me the subject of a book for which the world has a need, and I will write it for you.” “Are...
7 hours 1 minute
Walter Dwight Wilcox - Camping in the Canadian Rockies
An Account of Camp Life in the Wilder Parts of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Together with a Description of the Region About Banff, Lake Louise and Glacier, and a Sketch of the Early Explorations. — Summary by the...
6 hours 58 minutes