313 books
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Is - Report of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
At 4:00 a.m. on March 28, 1979, a serious accident occurred at the Three Mile Island 2 nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania. The accident was initiated by mechanical malfunctions in the plant and made...
6 hours 23 minutes
Jules Verne - Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 1
The famous writer of great adventure stories Jules Verne wrote also several lesser known, but good non-fiction works. «Celebrated travels and travellers» tells the story of geographical discovery in the same well...
18 hours 23 minutes
Earth Sciences
J. G. M'Pherson - Meteorology; or Weather Explained
Weather Explained: Fog, clouds, rain, haze, thunder, cyclones, dew point and how to count dust motes are just a few of the 35 topics covered in short, easy to read and understand chapters in this book published in...
3 hours 36 minutes