Edwin Arlington Robinson - Town Down the River: A Book of Poems
This is a volume of poetry by Edwin Arlington Robinson, dedicated to Theodore Roosevelt. This volume also contains his lesser known shorter poems as well as the well-known narrative poem Miniver Cheevy . — Summary by...
1 hour 9 minutes
Harry Graham - Perverted Proverbs: A Manual of Immorals for the Many
This is a volume of humorous poems by Harry Graham, writing under his pseudonym Col. D. Streamer. In this volume, Graham brings us a unique and original view of popular proverbs, in his own peculiar humorous verse. —...
35 minutes
Humorous Fiction
Walter Hamilton - Parodies on Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade
This extract, taken from Parodies of the works of English and American Authors, vol 1, of parodies of Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade covers such topics as the Clergy, the Fairer Sex, Doctors, Engineers and...
1 hour 3 minutes