Joseph Lister - On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery
Joseph Lister was born near London in 1827. He studied medicine at the University of London and pursued a career as a surgeon in Scotland. He became professor of Surgery in Glasgow and later (1877) at Kings College...
31 minutes
Humorous Fiction
William Shakespeare - Personal Anthology of Shakespeare
This personal anthology is my choice of speeches from Shakespeare that I enjoy reading (that I would like to have had by heart years ago!) and that seem to me to illustrate his unsurpassed use of language. He was a...
33 minutes
United States Government - Amendments to the United States Constitution (version 2)
The Constitution has a total of 27 amendments. The first ten, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were ratified simultaneously. The following seventeen were ratified separately. (Summary from
24 minutes
United States Government - Amendments to the United States Constitution
The Amendments to the Constitution of the USA are a continuously modified document that attempts to secure all basic and other rights for American citizens. The most recent amendment was made in the early 1970's...
19 minutes