2 books
Richard Ferris - How It Flies or, Conquest of the Air
In these pages, by means of simple language and suitable pictures, the author has told the story of the Ships of the Air. He has explained the laws of their flight; sketched their development to the present day; shown...
6 hours 57 minutes
War & Military
Anonymous - Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy
A collection of true stories of the high seas, from the nineteenth century. Shipwrecks, mutiny, life and death decision-making — all far from home, while pitting themselves against the elements. The romance of the...
14 hours 11 minutes
Modern (20th C)
Columbia Accident Investigation Board - Columbia Accident Investigation Board Final Report, Volume 1
In 1981, Columbia became the first spacecraft of its type to fly in Earth orbit and successfully completed 27 missions over more than two decades. During the STS-107 mission, Columbia and its crew traveled more than...
19 hours 3 minutes
Modern (19th C)
Oscar D. Skelton - Chronicles of Canada Volume 32 - The Railway Builders: A Chronicle of Overland Highways
When the pace of railroad construction slackened in 1914, Canada had achieved a remarkable position in the railway world. Only five other countries—the United States, Russia, Germany, India, and, by a small margin,...
5 hours 6 minutes
Walter Ferdinando Grew - Cycle Industry, its origin, history and latest developments
From the velocipede to the motor cycle in twenty chapters. A short history of the British bicycle industry from its origins in a Coventry sewing machine factory in 1868 to its transformation into one of the countries...
3 hours 11 minutes
William Wood - Chronicles of Canada Volume 31 - All Afloat: A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways
No exhaustive Canadian 'water history' can possibly be attempted here. That would require a series of its own. But at least a first attempt will be made to give some general idea of what such a history would contain...
3 hours 59 minutes