184 books
John Stuart Mill - Auguste Comte and Positivism
Part 1 lays out the framework for Positivism as originated in France by Auguste Comte in his Cours de Philosophie Positive. Mill examines the tenets of Comte's movement and alerts us to defects. Part 2 concerns all...
5 hours 47 minutes
Omar Khayyám - Quatrains of Omar Khayyam of Nishapur
In 1906, Eben Francis Thompson,scholar and poet, published a limited edition of his translation of the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. This edition contains 878 quatrains, and represents the most extensive translation of...
4 hours 17 minutes
Arthur Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea Volume 1
Schopenhauer used the word «will» as a human's most familiar designation for the concept that can also be signified by other words such as «desire,» «striving,» «wanting,» «effort,» and «urging.» Schopenhauer's...
22 hours 41 minutes
John Stuart Mill - Considerations on Representative Government
Mill's volume was published in 1861 as an argument favoring this form of governance. Mill covers what forms of government work best, including when representative government is applicable and when not. He details...
9 hours 54 minutes