184 books
William Walker Atkinson - Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga
The Book talks on the internal world of the self. The real nature of the subconscious mind, the way to control it, how ego comes into play and most frequently asked questions like «Who am I» are attempted to answer....
8 hours 45 minutes
John Charlton Hardwick - Religion and Science from Galileo to Bergson
This history of Western philosophy, published in 1920, explores the ways mankind has explained the natural world during the last few centuries, whether by spiritual interpretation or through advances in science. From...
4 hours 19 minutes
Prentice Mulford - Thoughts are Things (Version 2)
Prentice Mulford was also instrumental in the founding of the popular philosophy, New Thought, along with other notable writers including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mulford's book, Thoughts are Things, served as a guide to...
6 hours 40 minutes
Benedict de Spinoza - Theologico-Political Treatise
Written by the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus or Theologico-Political Treatise was one of the most controversial texts of the early modern period. It was a preemptive defense of...
9 hours 59 minutes