26 books
Bertrand Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
Bertrand Russell wrote 'Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy' while imprisoned for protesting Britain's involvement in World War I. Russell summarizes the significance of the momentous work of mathematicians in the...
8 hours 44 minutes
Bertrand Russell - Our Knowledge of the External World: As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy
Bertrand Russell gave the Lowell Lectures in March and April of 1914; these lectures produced 'Our Knowledge of the External World'. Russell attempts to analyze the relationship of the crude data of our senses to the...
8 hours 12 minutes
Arthur Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea, Vol. 2 of 3
In this work, Schopenhauer explains his fundamental idea that at the root of the reality we see around us is a Will that eternally, insatiably seeks to be satisfied. Each human Subject observes the Objects around her...
18 hours 52 minutes
James H. Leuba - Study in the Psychology of Religious Phenomena
«The present essay when complete will contain three parts. Of the two parts now published, the first is an analysis of the conversion process; it is divided into six subdivisions, corresponding to the natural phases...
3 hours 45 minutes
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Version 2)
The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is the only book published by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Any summary would frankly do the work an injustice — the interested reader is directed to Wittgenstein's preface and to the...
3 hours 56 minutes
Arthur Schopenhauer - World As Will and Idea, Vol. 1 of 3
In this work, Schopenhauer explains his fundamental idea that at the root of the reality we see around us is a Will that eternally, insatiably seeks to be satisfied. Each human Subject observes the Objects around her...
21 hours 1 minute