Stephen Leacock
18 books
Modern (19th C)
Stephen Leacock - Chronicles of Canada Volume 20 - Adventurers of the Far North
This is volume 20 of The Chronicles of Canada series . This volume describes the explorers who braved the Canadian Arctic in search of the Northwest Passage, focusing on Samuel Hearne, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, and...
3 hours 19 minutes
General Fiction
Stephen Leacock - Hohenzollerns in America With the Bolsheviks in Berlin and Other Impossibilities
More stories by Canadian Stephen Leacock. Some of these stories carry over characters introduced in Further Foolishness . Some stories are humourous; some are more thoughtful. It helps to be familiar with WWI-era...
5 hours 32 minutes
Humorous Fiction
Stephen Leacock - Soaked In Seaweed and 7 other nonsense novels
8 great spoofs of 'types' of fiction by the premier Canadian humorist Leacock, taken from his book Nonsense Novels. The title of each parody gives away it's genre: Soaked in Seaweed or, Upset in the Ocean; Maddened...
2 hours 49 minutes
Humorous Fiction
Stephen Leacock - Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich
«Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich» is a work of humorous fiction by Stephen Leacock first published in 1914. It is the follow-up to his 1912 classic «Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town.» Like that work, it is a...
6 hours 46 minutes